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  • What is a share?
    DEFINITION: Shares are titles of ownership of a company and their possession confers rights on the company issuing these securities. If tomorrow, you decide to acquire shares in a company, you will acquire the status of partner/shareholder and as such be able to participate in the life of the company (attend General Meetings, respond to requests from the management team for a market study, etc.). THE MAIN RIGHTS ATTACHED TO THE SHARES: Being a shareholder generally implies having two prerogatives: → The right to vote. Exercised during the company's general meetings, the voting right attached to a share allows its holder to participate in the main decisions of the company. The power of the shareholder is proportional to the number of shares he holds: one share generally corresponds to one vote. → The right to dividends. In the event that the accounts for the closed financial year reveal a distributable profit, shareholders can claim to receive a portion of it. This distribution is the responsibility of the ordinary annual general meeting and the terms and conditions are defined in the shareholders’ agreement. REMUNERATION FOR SHARES : In addition to the possibility of receiving dividends, the return on investment can be expressed by another means: the capital gain on sale. At the end of the holding period, you will resell your shares acquired during fundraising to the project leader himself or to external investors (investment funds, large group, private investor, etc.). On this occasion, you can potentially benefit from a capital gain, the share having increased in value. The amount of the buyout was planned in advance based on the company's ability to generate sufficient cash flow. In the event that the project has not developed as well as expected, meeting clauses make it possible to find a compromise between the project leader and its shareholders (purchase by a third party investor, postponement of the redemption, etc.).< /p> Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • What is a share option?
    It is a means of transporting a debt subscribed by an investor for the project of a company for the benefit of a third party (or oneself) in order to allow him to invest in the company. Company vouchers allow you to offer a future share for someone or yourself. As part of the investment project for the castle company that you have chosen, you will receive a share purchase voucher (with a unique code) allowing you to easily offer it and the person will then have to make the necessary steps to confirm your investment. Please note: For French tax residents, vouchers purchased for a third party do not qualify for IR tax exemption. Note: Parents can exempt their minor child from tax. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • What are the tax advantages of investing? (this article only concerns French tax residents. If you are not a French tax resident, contact the tax authority of your country)
    For French tax residents, in addition to the social and economic impact that you help to create and the financial performance that you can benefit from, investing in one of our projects allows you to benefit from attractive tax advantages. These are of 3 orders (devices cannot be combined): IR tax exemption*: The SME IR system allows income tax payers to reduce the amount of their tax by 18% of the sums invested in the capital of French and European SMEs. Official source: The amount of the tax reduction is calculated on the basis of payments made during a calendar year according to the following conditions: ✓ Subscription to the initial capital or to a capital increase of an unlisted SME (BOI-IR-RICI-90-10-20) before December 31 of the current fiscal year ✓ Conservation by the taxpayer of the securities acquired for at least 5 years from their subscription. ✓ Be a natural person whose tax residence is located in France ✓ Report your investment on the 2042 C declaration Attention: in the event of non-compliance with the minimum holding period, the taxpayer will be liable for the amount of the tax advantage obtained, in addition to the tax linked to the possible capital gain realized in the framework of this investment. There is nevertheless an exception in the event of forced exit if the taxpayer reinvests the proceeds of sale net of tax within 12 months of receipt, in another eligible company. What amounts? >€50,000 investment for a single person, i.e. a maximum tax reduction of €12,500 > €100,000 for married or civil partnership couples (joint taxation) for a maximum tax reduction of €25,000 Please note: this mechanism is subject to the general capping of tax shelters. Consequently, the cumulative amount of the income tax reduction granted to the tax household cannot exceed €10,000 per tax year. The fraction of investments exceeding this limit gives entitlement to a tax reduction which can be carried forward over the following four years under the right to deferral. *Attention: The tax reduction rate changes regularly. It is given here for informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to consult the competent institutions to obtain the rates applicable at the time of your investment. Note that the tax advantages linked to the IR-PME system are not compatible with those linked to an investment via PEA or PEA-PME. Please note: vouchers purchased for a third party do not qualify for IR tax exemption. Please note: Parents can exempt their minor child from tax. PEA or PEA-PME*: Under certain conditions, an investor can place his shares in an Equity Savings Plan (PEA or PEA-PME). In this way, income and capital gains are completely exempt from taxes after a holding period of at least 5 years. Please note, however, that these same products remain subject to social security contributions in their entirety (17.2%) regardless of the withdrawal date. Attention: - the amount indicated must be an amount divisible by the amount of one part - indicate your first and last name in the transfer description so that it can be easily identified. - Once the transfer is finalized, send us proof of the transfer Contribution-transfer: Under certain conditions, an entrepreneur selling his company's shares can reduce the taxation of his capital gains on the sale by reinvesting part of the proceeds of the sale. A QUESTION? CONTACT EPARGNE INFO SERVICE If you have a question, you can contact AMF Epargne Info Service by online form or by telephone on 01 53 45 62 00 (price of a local call) from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. *Disclaimer: The information provided is only advice material and should be received as a guide. They cannot be used as a substitute for up-to-date official texts. The taxpayer will be solely responsible for the tax reduction he applies to his return. The declaration of income to the tax authorities depends on the individual asset situation of each subscriber. It is therefore likely to be modified subsequently. The reduction (IR, PEA) which is applicable to it also takes place in an overall reading of the heritage. These mechanisms may be subject to constraints regarding the shelf life of the securities or the maturity of the envelope. SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) is not a tax consulting organization, we recommend that you contact the competent institutions on these issues. Investing in young unlisted companies presents risks including: partial or total loss of invested capital, illiquidity, lack of valuation after the investment as well as risks specific to the project activity detailed in the operation notes made available in the “documents” tab of the project. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • What is the taxation of share transactions and how do I declare my investment for taxes? (this article only concerns French residents. If you are not a French resident, contact the tax authority of your country)
    > Taxation**: For French tax residents, you want to know the taxation applicable to your investments. This article should answer it! Capital gains from the sale of your shares are taxed from the first euro and fall within the framework of traditional income taxation. These products must be declared in your tax return. At that time, you can choose to submit them: Either the Single Flat Tax (PFU or flat tax) at the overall rate of 30% (including 12.8% IR and 17.2% social security contributions) Either at the progressive IR scale and the amount of tax will be adjusted by the tax administration according to your marginal tax rate. For securities acquired before January 1, 2018 only: the option for the progressive scale allows you to benefit from a reduction for holding period: 50% for securities held for 1 to 4 years, 65% for 4 to 8 years and 85% for at least 8 years. Social security contributions nevertheless remain applied to all capital gains. ATTENTION: Capital gains relating to securities held in a PEA or PEA-PME may be exempt from IR after a holding period of at least 5 years. You will find more information in this article. **WARNING: This page is only an indicative tool and cannot be used as a substitute for official (up-to-date) texts. The taxpayer remains solely responsible for his or her tax return. The declaration of income to the tax administration depends on the financial situation of each subscriber. SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) is not a Tax Advisory body, we recommend that you contact the competent institutions on these issues. Please note: vouchers purchased for a third party do not qualify for IR tax exemption. Please note: Parents can exempt their minor child from tax. > How do I declare my investment for taxes? You can declare your investment when completing your annual income tax return, in the sections provided for this purpose. The form concerned is n°2042 RICI. ​​Go to Step 3 “Income and expenses” of your declaration of income.  In the “Charges” section, check the “Reductions and tax credits” box:  In the “Other reductions and tax credits” section, complete the amount fully paid for subscription(s) to SME capital carried out (s) for the current year. This is the net amount invested. Attention if you have opted for a share voucher, the value of the box does not enter into the value of your investment. Vouchers purchased for a third party do not qualify for IR tax exemption. Please note: Parents can exempt their minor child from tax. If you have made investments greater than the ceiling set by the tax administration in previous years, you can enter them in the corresponding boxes (investments greater than €50,000 for a single person or €100,000 for a couple). The amount of the tax reduction relating to these previous investments must therefore be entered in the corresponding boxes. If this year you have made investments higher than the ceiling authorized by the tax authorities, you can report the surplus in these same boxes in the declaration for the following year, as well as the related tax reduction. When making your declaration, you must attach your investment certificate(s) (this corresponds to your subscription form at SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne)) which will justify( a) to the tax authorities your investments in companies eligible for the system. You must also be able to produce, upon request from the tax administration, for the subscription year and the following five years, any document capable of justifying the duration of the holding by the holding company of the securities it received in return for the subscriptions it made to the capital of unlisted operational SMEs and which are taken into account for the benefit of the income tax reduction. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • How do I invest in a project on in my name or for my minor child?
    You can make an investment in exchange for shares in SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne). 1- Go to https: // and click on the “INVEST” button. Completeall steps of the form. On the slide “Would you like to buy a share for yourself or as the legal representative of a minor child?”, choose between the two options: buy a share for yourself- even or for my minor child (as legal representative). Reread carefully so as not to make any mistakes in the data entered. 2- Before validating the form, think carefully read again so that there are no errors. Once the form has been validated, you will no longer be able to correct the information provided. Once the entire form is completed, a confirmation message appears on the screen. Well done! You have finalized your investment and are now a shareholder and co-castle of the Château de Boulogne! You receive an email attesting to your investment. The subscription forms will be published and sent at the end of the investment campaign. Important note: Compliance checks of the information provided on the online form will be carried out by our services. Additional documents may be requested. 3- Access your email inbox and open the confirmation email received (it may take a few minutes to arrive). Note: If you do not receive it, remember to check your junk mail (spam). 4- Click on the link provided in the email which takes you to the secure online form allowing you to to register your ID. French regulations require us to verify the identity of our associates. 5- Complete this form and upload your identity document. If you are taking the step for your minor child, it is your identity document that you must provide as a legal representative. Our teams will come back to you if necessary. Without news from our teams, this means that your documents are accepted and that you have finalized the procedures, congratulations! Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • How to offer a share option for an adult third party (box)?
    Attention: It is not possible to subscribe to a share directly for an adult third party. You can buy a voucher for this one but it is up to him to take the legal steps to enter the capital of the company: Visit< /a> and click on the button : “INVEST VIA THE GIFT BOX” Completeall steps in the form. Reread carefully so as not to make any errors in the data entered. At the end of this form, you will receive a confirmation email. Remember to check your junk mail (spam) if necessary. Keep it carefully. 📬 Boxes are sent every month. For boxes sent outside France, delays may be added due to the postal and customs specificities of the countries. 🎁 While waiting to receive your box and in case you wish to offer it, you can download and print this document for the Château de Boulogne. 🔗 Here is the link to the form so that the beneficiary can activate their voucher (box) and thus become a shareholder: 📜 We also invite you to consult the user manual for activation of the box here. Remember to read it and send it to the beneficiary of the share purchase voucher (gift box) (or to their legal representative if they are a minor), accompanied by the name , first name, email used for the purchase. The beneficiary of the voucher (box) will need it to activate their box and invest. You will also find this user manual delivered with the box. ⚠️ ATTENTION, box activation and subscription procedures must be carried out by the beneficiary of the box when he receives the box and before the end of the campaign. After this period, the value of the voucher it represents will be transformed into an anonymous donation in favor of SAS Château de Boulogne and the beneficiary of the voucher (box) will not benefit from the associated share and will therefore not be a shareholder . Please note: Delivery costs associated with boxes will not be refunded in the event of a refund request from the moment the box has already been received. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • What is the difference between share vouchers (accompanied by boxes) and simple investment? I received a voucher, what should I do?
    - Simple investment allows you to invest directly in your name or in the name of your minor child. - share options allow you to offer a future share for someone. As part of the investment project for SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne), you will receive a share purchase voucher with a unique code to activate. You will need to forward this email as well as the box received to the third party to whom you want to offer a share so that they activate their unique code and become an investor. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • I received a share option, what should I do?
    Click here for access the tutorial which explains the procedures. ❓Didn’t find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • Is there a deadline to activate the unique code?
    As specified at the time of purchase of the voucher (box) to the buyer, the box must be activated upon receipt and before the end of the investment campaign. Once the investment campaign is over, if the box is not activated, the value of the voucher it represents will be transformed into an anonymous donation in favor of the company and the beneficiary of the voucher/box will not benefit from the associated share and will therefore not be a shareholder. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • What is the unique code and how to find it?
    The unique code is located on the back of the box received by the recipient of the share voucher (see image below): Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • What are the payment options available ?
    You can make your investment by paying by credit card only. Thanks to our approved payment partner Stripe, payments are completely secure (see our article on securing financial transactions below). Funds are paid into a blocked account until the end of the campaign. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • Is the financial transaction secure?
    Payment is completely secure on our site thanks to the online payment system of our partner Stripe, PCI/DSS level 1 certified payment solutions (the highest level of security for paying online.): stripe The banking data you enter on our site is encrypted and never circulates freely on the Internet. In addition, they are only processed by Stripe and are never in our possession. When you enter your card number to make your purchases on our site, you are actually sending them to Stripe: Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • My payment was not accepted, what should I do?
    In order to best assist you with your payment, we invite you to check the following points: Your internet browser may not be up to date, which limits your use of our website. We advise you to use Google Chrome and a computer to avoid bugs. Is the bank card payment limit exceeded? Are the funds remaining on the bank card account sufficient? Is the credit card number entered valid? Is thecredit card expired? Does your bank accept online payments? Is your3D secure activated? It happens that 3D secure causes blockages in payments. Contact your bank if necessary. Has your bank held the payment preventively? If you have checked all of these points and the payment is still blocked, our team is ready to help you at the following address. To do this, contact us via our contact form: -9 Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • Why do I need to validate my identity to invest?
    In the context of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, the European Parliament has implemented Directive 2015/849. This directive is addressed to SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) and its service providers Stripe, and requires them to verify the identity of their customers by asking them to provide identity documents. Here is a page that can help you learn more about this subject: 32015L0849&from=FR The procedure therefore applies to all investors. The documents are stored in a secure space and are only used within the framework set by the regulations in force (see our article below How can I ensure the security of my identity documents once transmitted?). Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • How do I ensure the security of my identity documents once transmitted?
    The payment platform we work with, Stripe, is PCI (Payment Card Industry) Service Provider Level 1 certified. This is the strictest level of certification available in the payments industry. To do this, they use the best security tools and practices to maintain a high level of security.,level%20of%20security% 20at%20Stripe Your information will remain confidential: protecting your data is very important to our company and Stripe. The information requested from you is in no way shared publicly. The following links will give you access to their Privacy Policy: Know Your Customer (KYC) obligations require Stripe to collect and maintain information about all Stripe account holders. These requirements come from our banking partners and aim to prevent abuse of the financial system: Stripe does not share personal information with marketers or unaffiliated third parties. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • What is the minimum investment amount?
    The minimum amount to invest in the company and thus hold a share can be found on the project page. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • What do I gain from investing in this project?
    The SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) project in which you wish to invest is much more than a simple heritage preservation project. Above all, it is an extraordinary collective adventure in which you will be the actors on the ground. By becoming a co-shareholder, you join a large community of guardians of this exceptional place who participate in the restoration work of the castle, in tourist development and in the influence of the castle. Making the Château de Boulogne a collectively restored work is the best way to protect it over time! You will benefit from free admission during your self-guided visit to the site and reduced rates during events organized there. Finally, we will offer you exclusive events. For those who are far away, don't worry, social networks and a website (include a space reserved for co-castillas) will allow you to follow the progress of the project thanks to the photos and videos which are regularly posted. You will find on the online project of SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) a table presenting your privileges according to the number of shares chosen. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • Are there any costs and possible income for shareholders?
    As a shareholder of SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne), you could receive dividends if one day the company's profits allow it. As in any company, annual fees and expenses will be borne by the company and not by the shareholders. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • Being an investor, what does this commit me to and what are the risks?
    Investments present a significant risk of partial or total loss of capital as well as a risk of illiquidity. The risk of total or partial loss of invested capital: in the event of company bankruptcy, you may lose part or all of your investment. However, you will never lose more than the initial amount you invested. Liability is limited to the contribution, the risk is therefore to lose your contribution. For example, if you invest €59, the risk is to lose €59. Illiquidity risk: The investor may face liquidity problems. The resale of subscribed securities is not guaranteed, it may be uncertain or even impossible. In the event of emergency work, shareholders may possibly be asked for a new participation through an opening of capital. You will have no obligation to participate. Given these risks, the SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) team recommends: Invest only the money you do not want to dispose of quickly. Not to invest more than 10% of your total assets. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • How to access the financial information of the investment project?
    We provide you with the following information on our site, in particular: - The activity and project of the project leader as well as the specific risks arising therefrom; - The level of participation at which the leaders of the project leader engage in the project; - The financial rights, voting rights and information rights attached to the securities offered as well as those attached to other categories of securities not offered as part of the proposed offer and their beneficiaries; - The provisions specifying the exit conditions (in particular the financial conditions) and the limits to the liquidity of the securities subscribed through the existence of a shareholders' agreement or statutory clauses; - Details of the costs borne by the investor during subscription and subsequently; - The ability to receive, upon simple request, the description of the services provided to the project leader and the related costs. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • How to access documents relating to the investment project?
    To access these documents, you must go to the SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) project page: Click on the “Documents” section on the project page. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • I want to change my investment
    You participated in the investment campaign and would like to modify the participation you made? If the campaign is still in progress: You can request to cancel your participation in our team by sending an email via our contact form indicating, in the subject line, that you would like a refund: Attention: in the case of a bond share purchase, only the share purchase voucher will be refunded to you and not the associated delivery costs in the event that you have already received your box. Is the collection in which you participated completed? Unfortunately, it is too late to change your participation in our system. When the collection is completed, SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) takes care of validating the capital increase with the legal authorities.So when the campaign is over, you automatically become a shareholder and the only way to recover your investment is to resell your share(s) as part of the share transfers. We invite you to read the documentation on this subject in the FAQ section Can I transfer my shares and how?. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • I would like to be reimbursed
    > If you have purchased a share voucherfor you or a loved one: reimbursement of your share voucher is possible within 14 days following your purchase unless the voucher has been activated and that the investment has been made. If the investment campaign ends before the end of the 14 days, reimbursement will no longer be possible after the end of the campaign. Note: Only the purchase voucher will be refunded and not the associated delivery costs if you have already received your box. As specified at the time of ordering to the buyer and on the online project page, it must be activated upon receipt and before the end of the investment campaign. After this date, the value of the voucher it represents will be transformed into an anonymous donation in favor of the company concerned and the beneficiary of the voucher/box will not benefit from the associated share and will therefore not be a shareholder. The value of the share purchase voucher and associated delivery costs cannot be refunded to the buyer. > If you have acquired a share: reimbursement is possible until the end of the investment campaign. After this period, reimbursement will no longer be possible. The refund is made by our services within a maximum period of one month from the refund request. In order to be able to proceed with the reimbursement our teams will need the following elements: in the case of reimbursement concerning a share voucher (box): Have you or the beneficiary activated this voucher? If yes, please refer to the paragraph below “in the case of reimbursement concerning a share”. the reason for the refund In order to proceed with your reimbursement, we first ask you to send us a written, signed and dated certificate in which you certify on your honor that you will not enter the code of the card(s). s)/box concerned and that you will not invest the corresponding share(s), under penalty of which you will renounce all your shares in the event of fraud. The unique code associated with your share voucher. It is located on the back of your box (see image below). in the case of reimbursement concerning a share: your subscription form the reason for the refund a certificate in your name, dated and signed, specifying that you are renouncing your share. Our team is also at your disposal for any questions on this subject. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • How can I find information relating to my participation?
    All the information on your investment is available in the confirmation email that was sent to you after your investment (to be kept safe) and will also be available at the end of the investment campaign in the newsletter subscriptionwhich will be sent to you by e-mail by SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne). Remember to check your junk mail if you can't find it. Please note: your subscription form will not be sent by post (and cannot be) but only by email. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • Comment retrouver l'ensemble de mes participations ? (Dartagnans Investissement et Château Boulogne Invest)
    Comme indiqué dans nos précédentes communications, nous avons changé de plateforme pour l'investissement. Auparavant, pour acheter des parts vous deviez passer par Dartagnans Investissement. Depuis quelques mois, si vous souhaitez souscrire à de nouvelles parts vous devez passer par Boulogne Invest. Ce changement de site internet n'impacte en rien votre compte personnel, puisque le registre de la SAS du Château de Boulogne renseignent aussi bien les souscriptions passées sur Dartagnans Investissement que sur Château Boulogne Invest. Pour visionner vos anciennes parts (souscrites sur Dartagnans Investissement), vous devez vous rendre sur le site internet puis vous connecter à l'aide de votre identifiant (votre adresse mail), et de votre mot de passe (que vous pouvez réinitialiser si vous ne vous souvenez plus de ce derniers). Attention, sur cette page vous verrez vos anciennes souscriptions, et non vos nouvelles puisque comme annoncé plus haut dans ce mail la plateforme d'investissement a changé. Château Boulogne Invest ne possède pas encore d'espace personnel vous permettant de visionner vos parts. De ce fait, vos bulletins de souscription vous seront directement envoyés sur votre boite mail en fin de campagne. Notre équipe technique travaille actuellement sur cette mission, vous devriez donc recevoir vos justificatifs d'ici quelques semaines. En attendant la réception de ces derniers, conservez bien votre mail de confirmation, envoyé par notre plateforme partenaire Typeform à la suite de votre paiement (pensez à vérifier dans vos courriers indésirables). Pour le moment, Château Boulogne Invest ne permet pas encore d'afficher l'ensemble des parts détenues (souscrites depuis Dartagnans Investissement ou depuis notre nouveau site : Château Boulogne Invest) mais nous avons inscrit ce développement dans nos prochaines mises à jour de nos plateformes.
  • What documents are available after my investment and how can I find them?
    SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) will send you, at the end of the investment campaign, by e-mail, your subscription slip, proof of your investment. Please note: your subscription form will not be sent by post (and cannot be) but only by email. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • Where can I find my tax receipt/subscription form?
    Your tax receipt corresponds to your subscription form. It is sent to you by email at the end of the investment campaign. Keep it carefully. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary:
  • I did not receive confirmation after my investment, what should I do?
    When your investment is completed, a confirmation is automatically sent to you by email. If you haven't received it, remember to check your junk mail (spam). It is possible that a typo occurred when you made your investment: the email may not have gone to the right place! A fault detected? Send us an email via our contact form: -9 Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • What to do if an investor dies?
    When an investor dies, the heir or notary must contact our customer service team. What documents will be required and how to proceed with the transfer of titles? You will find below the detailed procedure to follow: Contact our team via our contact form, specifying the subject of your request: Prior verification: Two main supporting documents will be requested from you by SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne), including:- the death certificate- the notarial deed of inheritance or deed of inheritanceSAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) will tell you if additional information is necessary to take your request into account. Registration of the movement of titles: Once SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) has verified the conformity of the request, the heir(s) will be informed and will receive a complete statement of the titles held by the deceased.The heir(s) will then be invited to provide us with the following documents and information:- a color copy of both sides of an identity document (national identity card or valid passport)- a second piece of identification (double-sided driving license, double-sided vital card, proof of address less than 3 months old) - email - full postal address - telephone numberPlease note that all communications (information on projects and possible payments) will be communicated exclusively by email. Once the compliance of the request has been validated, the SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) and Stripe (our payment partner) accounts of the deceased will be frozen. If funds are still available on the Stripe account (for example an interest payment that has been rejected), the funds will then be returned to the account indicated by the notary or the heir within 15 days after validation of the compliance of the request. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • Can I transfer my shares and how?
    It is up to you to find a buyer/seller. Once you have made the purchase/sale of shares and declared it to the tax administration, the seller must send an email to our teams with the copy of the CERFA and the completed movement order ( by checking with the competent authorities that the documents to be provided are up to date) with the new beneficiary in a copy of the email. Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • What information is transmitted to SAS Château de la Mothe Chandeniers?
    The amount of your investment, the data provided when you completed the investment form (surname, first name, email address, postal address), as well as the identity document that you provided to us, is the information that retain the SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne). Didn't find the answer to your question? Remember to consult our entire FAQ which contains a lot of information and to contact us if necessary: contact-9
  • I haven't received my box, what should I do?
    Les envois des box sont effectués une fois par mois par Colissimo. Au moment de l'envoi, l'acheteur du bon d'achat de part (box) reçoit un email automatique de Colissimo lui permettant de suivre l'envoi. Pensez à consulter vos courriers indésirables (spams) si besoin. Dans le cas où le bénéficiaire du bon d'achat de part (box) n'a pas réceptionné sa box, contactez immédiatement notre service client à l'aide du lien suivant en nous communiquant : - le nom, prénom et email de l'acheteur, - le nom, prénom, adresse complète du bénéficiaire Dans le cas d'un problème de réception de box, nous laisserons toujours le temps au bénéficiaire de la réceptionner afin qu'ils puissent l'activer ainsi que la part correspondante. Il sera important que celle-ci soit activée dès réception du colis pour que la part correspondante ne soit pas perdue et que le bénéficiaire puisse devenir actionnaire. Dans le cas où celle-ci ne serait pas activée, la valeur du bon qu’elle représente sera transformée en don anonyme en faveur de la société et le bénéficiaire du bon/box ne bénéficiera pas de la part associée et ne sera donc pas actionnaire. Vous n'avez pas trouvé la réponse à votre question? Pensez à consulter l'ensemble de notre FAQ qui contient de nombreuses informations et à nous contacter si besoin :
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